Q&A with the rebellious rocker, Dave Curl

We sat down with independent Australian-Swiss singer-songwriter and producer, who recently unveiled his sophomore LP, Lockdown – Seven Nations on February 23, 2024. The unique album puts a single song, ‘Lockdown’, in the hands of artists from Switzerland, Spain, Germany, France, India, Italy, and the UK offering the listener eight different versions. Dave Curl Since 2015, he has been passionate about creating and performing his songs, which have garnered more than 1.5 million streams on Spotify. Dave’s soulful and authentic folk-pop-rock has been featured on over 1900 Spotify playlists and his music has touched the hearts of many. With a portfolio of over 200 concerts, he effortlessly manages the transition between solo performances and exciting gigs with his band. 


Stream the album and read our interview with him below.



Set the tone for us. Why the arts?

As a teenager I had these spontaneous daydreams about standing on a stage and playing songs:) When I then finally started to learn to play the guitar, I was lucky to have a good teacher, who encouraged me to write my own songs and play them. Guess I just got hooked 🙂


Which comes first when you’re producing – the sound or the idea?

Mostly I have a song idea out of the blue that I record on my iPhone.  It’s often the chorus, which helps a lot. After that, it’s about finding the chords, filling in the gasps, finding the theme of the song and writing a story that makes sense.


Does your material feature any collaborations? 

On my current LP, Lockdown – Seven Nations, I worked with seven rappers from seven different countries. They each added their own verses to go along with my chorus. This album talks about the COVID-19 times on a local, national, and worldwide level. For me, these songs have a special message, showing the emotions and thoughts of different artists in a creative way. More than that, they represent strength and hope, showing that we can overcome the challenges of the pandemic. The various rap versions in seven languages make this LP really unique, highlighting how music can bring people together in different ways!


Tell us about the chemistry you have with your fans on stage.

A great compliment for me is when after a concert someone comes to me and says they recognized themselves in my songs or when someone leaves a comment on my Youtube Channel, saying what my song meant to them.


What techniques do you experiment with to get your original sound?

My music goes from rocky feel-good folk songs to soulful ballads. But I draw inspiration from all sorts of styles… I try to catch those little moments that affect our daily life searching for that magical moment where words, sounds and melodies become one – expressing them first as a “classical” singer-songwriter, then going to the studio, and working on them with my producer. But the foundation is always first to get the song right on my acoustic guitar.


Take us through a day in the recording studio.

Meet and greet with my producer Oliver. Explaining the song to him and talking about how we want to record it (intimate or more powerful…). Finding a basic beat and the BPM that fits. Recording the acoustic guitar. Vocal warm-up. Recording the main vocals. Listening to the first recordings. Adding a bass drum. Fixing and checking the arrangement. Recording more vocals (ad-libs, harmonies). Listening in again. Doing a “rough mix”. Sending it out to my bass player and guitarist. Doing another mix, getting the vocals ready (effects). Checking “what the song still needs”: Recording more if necessary… finally doing the last mix and then the mastering.


Was there a specific moment in your life where you thought, “this is what I want to do”?

Not really, but I had this urge to express my feelings and emotions from the beginning on.


What do you keep close by while you’re playing a set?

My acoustic guitar, the setlist, a water bottle, maybe a snack.


Any emerging artists on your radar?

Annie Taylor.


What gets your creative juices flowing?

Travelling, surfing, meditation.


Take us through your collection of gear, tech or software that accompanies your creative expression.

I just need an acoustic guitar, time and space!


Any side projects you’re working on?

Not for now, working on my live performance and how to play my songs with the band.


How have you refined your craft since you entered the industry?

Regular practising, singer-songwriter courses in the UK, listening to a lot of music, visiting concerts in my “niche”, getting a good guitar teacher to find new approaches on how to play my songs…


Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you this year?

Well, three more singles that will blow your mind. Coming at the end of March is ‘Don’t talk Anymore’, a song that talks about everybody just staring into their smartphones… This song has just two chords, but such a good rock groove!


Famous last words?

Stay humble and believe in yourself.


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