Posts tagged "baroque pop"

In 2016, vocalist ANOHNI and composer J. Ralph found themselves with an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song. The song in question, Manta Ray, written for the documentary Racing Extinction, is easily one of ANOHNI’s most haunting works. A gentle ballad, the gravitas of ANOHNI’s incredibly rich timbre is

When remixing Shygirl’s Woe for the artist’s deluxe edition of their debut album, Nymph_0, Björk assumed the role of an elder imparting wisdom to a confused Shygirl. The result, which switches from the original to a classic Björk baroque electronica operetta, is one of the project’s more welcome surprises. In

The last time Nakhane entered the club, it was on Black Coffee’s guestlist. As the voice on the enduring dance floor anthem We Dance Again, Nakhane’s melancholy was the perfect foil to Black Coffee’s pulsating house. In the same way Nakhane’s clearest foremother  ANOHNI lent soul to the synthesisers of

Welsh electronic music artist Kelly Lee Owens’s LP.8 was an intriguing statement, an album that she felt came about five years too soon. While the breakthrough Inner Song harmonised her pop and techno influences to create a singular and unique sonic identity, LP.8 was a stark departure and pivot toward

In biology, a ‘spandrel’ refers to a part of the body that has no observable function, a perfunctory excess that exists as a byproduct of evolution. It’s in this excess, this dead weight, that Athens art pop artist Evita Manji finds the conceptual core of their debut album, Spandrel? Arriving

Björk has released a music video for the song Sorrowful Soil, taken from her latest album Fossora. Directed by Viðar Logi, the video was filmed at the site of the recently erupted volcano Fagradalsfjall. Filmed entirely in an oval frame, Sorrowful Soil sees Björk sing one of the eulogies to

It’s possible that Michael Alden Hadreas, better known as Perfume Genius, may well be one of the most underrated voices in baroque and art-pop. It’s also possible that this is exactly the way he intended it to be. Since first breaking onto the scene in 2010 with soft, confessional piano

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