Posts tagged "Environment"

Major record labels Warner, Sony and Universal have pledged to halve their total carbon emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. They join an increasing number of independent labels in signing a pact to reach these targets. The Music Climate pact addresses the carbon impact of activities such as

As of 2019, the aviation industry is estimated to have consumed almost 100 billion gallons of fossil fuels globally. As musicians find themselves skyrocketing to fame, and even becoming iconic figures; with this success, comes an incredible platform – the ability to speak to, and influence thousands, millions of people.

In a recent effort to raise awareness around sustainable diving and reef protection, an event was held in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary dubbed an ‘underwater music festival’. With the focus on environmental responsibility – protection of the coral reefs and sustainable diving, snorkelers and divers attended The Lower Keys

With a growing concern for the environment, festivals are finally starting to catch up. Bringing thousands of people together, festivals can be an incredible experience for festival goers – but not particularly fantastic for the environment. When we think of festivals, the image of post-fest shenanigans spring to mind and

The discussion surrounding music, live events and their subsequent impact on the environment has moved further into the spotlight in recent years; as the threat of climate change grows ever more obvious. As more people rally together in order to bring awareness, and further action to combat climate change; the

Written by Jenna Dreisenstock Photography Credit: Jenna Dreisenstock Shimmer heart-glow in the immersion of community; a spark within – an inherent sense of  understanding, of acceptance: intimacy in an intangible, often oblivious nature – a vulnerability within ourselves which we all share as creatives. Sphere of flicker strobe beat awareness,

Written by Jenna Dreisenstock The music world sings with the beauty of an entity; an outlet of passion and expression that not only births creation, perspective and emotion – but builds entire communities of people, bringing all beings from different walks of life together, and painting a visceral experience of

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