Posts tagged "events"(Page 2)

As reports of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus are luckily beginning to decline within its origin country of China, unfortunately cases are now soaring across the rest of the world as governments are being tasked with the exceptionally difficult process of trying to contain and delay the spread of the virus

Since the outbreak of the most recent coronavirus traced to Wuhan, China in late December – the virus, officially titled COVID-19, has ravaged through the country with over 70,000 cases and an estimated 2600 deaths recorded within their borders: significantly affecting the country’s economy, essentially bringing it to a standstill.

There’s nothing more exciting than experiencing your favourite artists performing live; the energy, the lights and the engulf of sound all add to the incredible experience that are live music events. With that being said, for some it’s easy to miss these events as we get caught up in everyday

Written by Jenna Dreisenstock As is obvious, the life of a musician in the public eye can rise to levels of fame unimaginable; to the point in which often the musicians themselves can barely cope. Finding oneself in the spotlight may be a blessing, a curse or a combination of

Written by Jenna Dreisenstock Hype; the sweetest blessing or the most insidious of poison. I’ve spoken before regarding the ways in which hype can ultimately create immense amount of pressure on musicians; how without really being sure what we want to hear, we tend to hurt our own enjoyment of

Written by Jenna Dreisenstock Firstly, let me begin this article with a simple disclaimer: this type of action to protect womxn and assist them in protecting themselves shouldn’t be necessary – what’s most important for creating safe spaces for womxn is changing perspectives, societal norms and breaking down misogyny –

Written by Jenna Dreisenstock The music world sings with the beauty of an entity; an outlet of passion and expression that not only births creation, perspective and emotion – but builds entire communities of people, bringing all beings from different walks of life together, and painting a visceral experience of

Article by Maya-Rose Torrão Scalping (selling a ticket for an event for more than its face value) has been happening for decades, however, with recent technological advances, scalpers have been able to able to use ticket-buying bots to purchase tickets en masse and at a frightening speed. The Anti-Ticket Touting

86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE