Warp Records Announce New Clark Album, Death Peak

Chris Clark will release his 10th album on Warp Records, Death Peak, on April 7th.

Speaking about the title, Clark says, “I’ve had the title Death Peak since August 2016. It felt so right, I would repeat it to myself like a mantra” – and the album promises to be a bold study in contrasts, the musician adding: “I want my tracks to have sharp teeth, but you want to stroke them, too. They sound ancient, but beamed in from the future; soft, corrosive”.

Signed to Warp Records when he was just a teenager, Clark is excited about the role that vocal tracks and samples will play on the new album. As he explains, “Vocals can be a bit of an awkward hat, that producers wear to try and get attention. Death Peak voices are the opposite of that. The vocal elements are just another instrument in the mix. It’s taken me a while to get to this level of confidence with it.”

Have a listen to the first single from Death Peak, “Peak Magnetic” – an exuberant yet moody, oddly redemptive track, where an elemental kick drum is beautifully offset by gentle, cascading melodic phrases:

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